
Posts Tagged ‘buddha quotes’

pink sunset This is an excerpt from the classic “What the Buddha Taught” by Walpola Rahula.

However you put it, faith or belief as understood by most religions has little to do with Buddhism.

The question of belief arises when there is no seeing – seeing in every sense of the word. The moment you see, the question of belief disappears. If I tell you that I have a gem hidden in the folded palm of my hand, the qustion of belief rises because you do not see it yourself. But if I unclench my fist and show you the gem, then you see it for yourself, and the question of belief does not arise. So the phrase in ancient Buddhist texts reads: “Realizing, as one sees a gem in the palm.”

A disciple of the Buddha named Musila tells another monk: “Friend Savittha, without devotion, faith or belief, without liking of inclination, without hearsay or tradition, without consideration apparent reasons, without delight in the speculations of opinions, I know and see that the cessation of becoming is Nirvana.

And the Buddha says: “O Bhikkus, I say that the destruction of defilement and impurities is meant for a person who knows and who sees, and not for a person who does not know and does not see.”

It is always a question of knowing and seeing, and not that of believing. The teaching of the Buddha is qualified as ehi-passika, inviting you to ‘come and see’, but not to come and believe.

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wisdomThe one whose mind knows the clarity of perfect wisdom is never afraid or anxious. Why? Because when being at one with the living power of wisdom, the mother of all the buddhas, that person has the strength to remain in a state of undivided contemplation even while ceaselessly and skillfully engaging in compassionate action. The wise one is enabled to act because of concentration on a single prayer: “May all being never leave the path of enlightenment, which is their own true nature and is empty of separate self-existence.”

Prajnaparamita Sutras

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“The mighty ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt. Even so, the true way has but one savor, the savor of freedom.”

Source: Majjhima Nikaya

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